Outside Observer

  • Drypoint engraving, chine colle

  • 18” x 22”

  • 2023

  • Chine-collé, found photography
    Madison, WI, 1940s

    Outside Observer is a layered exploration of race, faith, and authority, set against the backdrop of a baptism in Madison, Wisconsin, likely from the 1940s. Using chine-collé and found photography, I juxtapose a solemn religious ritual—a Black woman being baptized by members of her church—with the watchful presence of a white lifeguard. The lifeguard’s stance, marked by a casual authority, contrasts with the reverence of the baptism, creating an inherent tension. Further amplifying this dynamic, white spectators linger on the dock, observing from a distance.

    Through this piece, I examine the intersections of race, spirituality, and societal oversight, questioning who holds power in moments of deep personal and communal significance.


Sun Dry